Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wow I'm such a slacker.

No new post since it's September. Blog fail.

Um. Well I'm at work now so I can't really spend too much time on this, but I have been birthing guitar bodies like the mother in Life of Brian. Just kidding, that's a gross made me snicker tho...but I'd never let my babies fall to the floor. ;)

Well for a quick far I've made over 30 guitar bodies, given two guitars as gifts, made one for my bro-in-law, one for my bass player, and one for a stranger I met on Ebay who bartered the other half of his pieces of wood to build it. I'm gonna have to do photographs in a chronological order on the next post since some of them came out really well.

At this point I'm ready to move to the next level of being a luthier. I started with the Fender bolt on design where the neck and body were independent and the necks were universal and store bought. Now I'm moving to the Gibson shapes (still flat tops) but since these are glue in neck designs, I need to start learning how to build necks. So back to the Fender design...the bolt on neck is first, then the set neck. But this means building jigs... :\

Well more photos in the next until then...whenever that is...